Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Why Is Bluetooth Called Bluetooth?

When two devices need to talk to each other, they need to have a handshake on various parameters before the conversation starts. The first agreement is on the medium – will they use wires, or talk over some wireless signal?

Bluetooth is one such wireless signal (protocol) over which two (or more) devices communicate over.

Strange name though isn’t it – are the bluetooth waves invisible but blue and shaped like teeth? Wrong!

There is absolutely no relation between the name and the meaning. 

The Bluetooth protocol was created by Ericsson (pre-Sony Ericsson) which is a major Swedish telecommunicati on company. They named it after the Danish viking king, Harald Blåtand. As legend goes, Blåtandhad the blessed ability to bring people negotiate with each other, and cometo talking terms.So skilled was he, that he was able to unite Denmark and Norway together! The literal translation of Blåtand means blue-tooth, hence the name Bluetooth for the protocol. It does precisely what Blåtand did – lets two wireless device to communicate with each other! 

The Bluetooth symbol has HaraldBlåtand’s initials inscribed into it (in Runic).The two lines sticking out of the back of the B actually represent a Runic H – thats H for Harald .The B for Bluetooth also stands for Blåtand!

How far do you know?

1 Bit = Binary Digit

8 Bits = 1 Byte

1024 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte

1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte

1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte

1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte

1024 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte

1024 Petabytes = 1 Exabyte

1024 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte

1024 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabyte

1024Yottabytes = 1 Brontobyte

1024 Brontobytes = 1 Geopbyte

1024 Geopbyte=1 Saganbyte

1024 Saganbyte=1 Pijabyte

Alphabyte = 1024 Pijabyte

Kryatbyte = 1024 Alphabyte

Amosbyte = 1024 Kryatbyte

Pectrolbyte = 1024 Amosbyte

Bolgerbyte = 1024 Pectrolbyte

Sambobyte = 1024 Bolgerbyte

Quesabyte = 1024 Sambobyte

Kinsabyte = 1024 Quesabyte

Rutherbyte = 1024 Kinsabyte

Dubnibyte = 1024 Rutherbyte

Seaborgbyte = 1024 Dubnibyte

Bohrbyte = 1024 Seaborgbyte

Hassiubyte = 1024 Bohrbyte

Meitnerbyte = 1024 Hassiubyte

Darmstadbyte = 1024 Meitnerbyte

Roentbyte = 1024 Darmstadbyte

Coperbyte = 1024 Roentbyte

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Check Antivirus Strength or Test Antivirus Software

One of the most answered question is Which antivirus has good strength or How to check antivirus strength?

This post is for them who want to check their antivirus strength.This is a standard test and if your antivirus passes this test then assume that its a good antivirus.


Some say that Kaspersky is best and other say that Norton is best and so on....But the thing is that if your antivirus passes this test think that its a good antivirus.

Method To Test Your Antivirus Strength:-

Copy the below code and paste it in your notepad and save it with .exe or .com extension , for example testantivirus.exe or antivirus.exe or


After you save run the file ,if your Antivirus detects it as a threat then your Antivirus strength is good and working fine or else switch to other Antivirus.
Did your antivirus detect it as threat?
If detected what is your antivirus ? -