Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Tips to reduce the risk of exposure to cancerous electro-magnetic rays
If you are worried about recent revelations about cell phone radiation by the WHO, do not despair. There are a number of ways in which you can safeguard yourself to to a large extent.
According to well-known American non-government organization Environmental Working Group, or EWS, cellphone users can follow these tips to reduce the risk of exposure to cancerous electro-magnetic rays that cellphones may be emitting.
Always try to look up buyers' guide or Internet, or seek experts' advise to know about the radiation levels of your phone, or the model you intend to buy.
Most phones' model numbers are printed under the battery. Consider replacing your phone with one that emits the lowest radiation possible and still meets your communication needs.
Always try to look up buyers' guide or Internet, or seek experts' advise to know about the radiation levels of your phone, or the model you intend to buy.
Most phones' model numbers are printed under the battery. Consider replacing your phone with one that emits the lowest radiation possible and still meets your communication needs.
Fewer signal bars on your phone means that it emits much higher radiation to get the signal to the tower. Make and take calls when your phone has a strong signal, instead of incessantly using it and cursing your mobile operator.
Remember, it is your brain that will be getting fried due to poor signal!
Radiation shields such as antenna caps or keypad covers reduce the connection quality and force the phone to transmit at a much higher power with higher radiation. So while they may be protecting your phone, it is at the cost of your own health.
Limit children's phone use
Young children's brains absorb twice as much cell phone radiation as those of adults. Along with health agencies in at least 6 countries, EWG has recommended parents to set up limits for children's cell phone use, such as for emergency situations only.
They may be encouraged to either make short, sweet conversations, or use the good, old landline phones.
Cellphones emit maximum radiation when you talk or text, but not when you're receiving messages or listening. Hence, the age-old saying of listening more and talking less can come in handy here in reducing your exposure level.
Hold the phone away from your torso when you're talking (with headset or speaker), not against your ear, in a pocket, or on your belt where soft body tissues continuously absorb radiation.
Even while sleeping, avoid keeping it under the pillow or next to you. It should ideally be kept a few feet away even if you want to keep it handy just in case the President or the Prime Minister decide to call upon you in the dead of night.
Choose texting over talking
Phones use less power (and hence less radiation) to send out text than voice communication. And unlike when you speak with the phone placed next to your ear, texting keeps radiation away from your head.